In all grade levels, we are working diligently on Unit 3, and I'm hoping to be finished with it by the end of February. We will have a Unit test, and I will let you know the dates for that as soon as I get the rest of Unit 3 mapped out. I had to do some reteaching when I got back from maternity leave last year, and we only got through Unit 3. I am really excited that we will be done with it so early in the year, and will be able to move on to Unit 4 and possibly Unit 5!
- 3rd grade was assigned workbook page 39 on Thursday. At this point, they should have all workbook pages 33-39 completed.
- 4th grade was assigned workbook page 40 on Tuesday. I was not there on Friday, so they had a few extra days to complete it. I will be checking it tomorrow. They should have all workbook pages 33-40 completed so far.
- 5th grade was assigned an assignment out of the textbook on Tuesday (I copied the pages for them). I was not there on Friday, so they had a few extra days to complete it. I will be checking it tomorrow. I will double check their workbook pages when I am back at school, but I believe they should have pages 33-36 completed so far.
On an unrelated note, in addition to teaching 3-5 Spanish and 4th grade Math, I am also our Extracurricular Director. (many hats!) :) Alongside Mrs. Fawcett, I love being able to offer our educators their stipends for sponsoring our before, during, after school, and early release Wednesday activities for our students. In addition to this, your generosity helps us keep the cost of those clubs down. In learning more about the extracurricular activities at others Archways, many of their teacher led clubs and study clubs cost families between $50 and $80 per quarter. Our teacher led clubs and Study Club cost only $20 per quarter! This is just one of the many areas in which our Tax Credits are able to make a huge difference in our Archway Chandler community. If you have not donated yet, would you please consider it? It's a dollar for dollar tax credit, so it's basically a no cost donation. :) Also, would you please also consider asking around your neighborhood, church, work, gym, etc, to see if anyone else would like to take advantage of this opportunity to not only lower their tax bill, but also do some good in the lives of our students and teachers. The link to donate or share is below.
Thank you so much, and have a wonderful week. Please email me with any questions or concerns regarding Spanish or Extracurriculars.